/* this makes it possible to add next button beside scrollable */ .scrollable { float:left; } /* prev, next, prevPage and nextPage buttons */ a.browse { background:url('../images/hori_large.png') no-repeat; display:block; width:30px; height:30px; float:left; cursor:pointer; font-size:1px; position:absolute; top:323px; left:870px } /* right */ a.right { background-position: 0 -30px; clear:right; margin-right: 0px; } a.right:hover { background-position: -30px; } a.right:active { background-position:-60px -30px; } /* left */ a.left { margin-left: 0px; left:38px; z-index:5; } a.left:hover { background-position:-30px 0; } a.left:active { background-position:-60px 0; } /* up and down */ a.up, a.down { background:url('../images/hori_large.png') no-repeat; float: none; margin: 10px 50px } /* up */ a.up:hover { background-position:-30px 0; } a.up:active { background-position:-60px 0; } /* down */ a.down { background-position: 0 -30px; } a.down:hover { background-position: -30px; } a.down:active { background-position:-60px -30px; } /* disabled navigational button */ a.disabled { visibility:hidden !important; }